Russell & Hill, PLLC

5 Most Commonly Heard Questions Regarding Personal Injury Claims

Posted on : March 31, 2016Posted By : Russell & Hill, PLLCPosted In : Personal Injury

Personal injury claims are confusing, complex and often, overwhelming. Insurance companies are tasked with calling repeatedly after the injury in order to get you to settle quickly and most importantly, cheaply. When potential clients come into Russell & Hill, PLLC, the following are the most common questions regarding personal injury claims:

Personal Injury Attorney

  1. How long does the process take?
    The most important aspect is you, as the injured party, seeking and completing, if applicable, your medical treatment. Once released from treatment by a medical doctor, or before three years after the accident, is when the process begins with your attorney and the insurance company. The process is long but it is important to get better physically. The insurance companies will attempt to make it a very quick process by giving you a pittance by making it sound as if they have your best interests in mind.
  2. Why should I hire an attorney?
    As mentioned above, the insurance companies do not have your best interests in mind. They want to settle your claim quickly, and most importantly, without an experienced personal injury attorney. The insurance companies make billions of dollars in profits each year for a reason, settling and short-changing claims just like yours.
  3. If I hire an attorney will the insurance companies still call me?
    No. If you hire an attorney and your attorney sends a notice of representation to the other insurance company, they are not permitted to contact you, ever. Your own insurance company can still contact you, the often aggressive insurance representatives for this other side, cannot.
  4. How long do I have to file a claim?
    It is important to talk to an attorney as soon as possible after your injury. The insurance companies work hard, and relentlessly, to get you to settle. While the statute of limitations differs depending on the type of incident which led to the injury, it is imperative one knows there is a cut-off for all injury claims which could preclude you from any type of settlement.
  5. What can I expect after I hire an attorney?
    At Russell & Hill, PLLC, we make sure all questions are answered and our clients are aware at every step of the settlement and potential litigation process. We are working for you and take on that effort with pride. Once you have representation, you can rest easy that the insurance company won’t be hounding you to release the responsible party. You can turn your focus on getting better again, however, that lies with you and your treating physicians and medical team. At Russell & Hill, PLLC, we are committed to helping families across Washington and Oregon who have been injured. All of our personal injury attorneys have years of experience handling these types of claims and would be happy to sit down with you for a free consultation about your options.Personal Injury Evaluation
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