Russell & Hill, PLLC

Can Head Injuries Affect Pituitary Gland?

Posted on September 17, 2019Posted By Russell & Hill, PLLC

Some of the most devastating injuries a person can sustain are those that occur to the head. Our brains control everything we do, and a head injury commonly leads to a traumatic brain injury. However, head injuries can affect many different parts of our bodies. What many people may not realize is that a head injury can affect our pituitary gland, which is responsible for our body’s hormone system regulation. At Russell & Hill, PLLC, our Seattle brain injury lawyers are ready to get to work on your behalf. Let us secure the compensation you deserve if you have been injured.

What is the pituitary gland?

Our pituitary gland is often called the “master gland” because the hormones it produces control many of our bodily processes. Located at the base of our brains and right behind our noses, the pituitary is a pea-sized gland with plenty of power. It “senses the body’s needs and sends signals to different organs and glands throughout the body to regulate their function and maintain an appropriate environment.”

How can the pituitary gland be affected by a head injury?

We now know that head injuries and traumatic brain injuries can affect the pituitary gland. Each year, around 2.5 million children and adults suffer a traumatic brain injury according to the Centers for Disease Control. We know that the pituitary gland is vulnerable to injuries when the brain is harmed. These injuries can lead to serious long-term consequences for a victim. Studies have shown that a “high percentage of patients who suffer from mild, moderate, or severe TBIs may have some form of pituitary dysfunction in the first three months following the injury.”

What are the effects of all of this?

A head injury could damage the pituitary and cause a reduction in two important hormones. This includes a reduction in the growth hormone that can cause fatigue, reduced sex drive, reduced stamina, anxiety, and depression.

  • This occurs n approximate 18% of brain injury patients.

This can also affect the antidiuretic hormone. This can lead to diabetes insipidus, causing excessive urination and extreme thirst. The excessive urination can lead to dehydration and sensation of fatigue.

  • This occurs in around 25% of all brain injury patients.

In many cases, these symptoms resolve themselves over time. However, some cases of pituitary damage are permanent.

Do not hesitate to seek assistance immediately

If you or a loved one have sustained a head injury that has affected your pituitary gland, please seek legal assistance as soon as possible. At Russell & Hill, PLLC, we understand that these cases can be incredibly complex. Our knowledgeable and experienced team is ready to investigate all aspects of your case so we can secure the compensation you deserve, including:

  • Coverage of your medical bills
  • Compensation for lost income if you cannot work
  • Mental anguish damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages

If you need a Seattle brain injury lawyer, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 800-529-0842.

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