Russell & Hill, PLLC


Posted on : April 16, 2020Posted By : Russell HillPosted In : Wrongful Death

As we plunge further into the global pandemic caused by this Coronavirus, we are now seeing the first of what will likely be a wave of Coronavirus-related lawsuits. The lawsuits will involve wrongful termination, wrongful death, and other legal claims.

In late March 2020, Walmart employee Wando Evans tragically passed away due to Coronavirus. His family has filed a lawsuit and alleges that Walmart did not have the necessary safety precautions in place to keep Mr. Evans and other employees safe from Coronavirus. You may read further about Mr. Evans’ lawsuit here.

Grocery store and retail employees are on the front lines of this pandemic. They are exposed on a daily basis to numerous customers and fellow employees, and they deserve to be protected by their employers so they can be as safe from this deadly disease.

Here at Russell & Hill,PLLC, we have experience in holding large corporations accountable when they fail to protect the public’s health and well-being. Unfortunately, these corporations are profit-driven which leads to corners being cut. Our firm has already been retained to represent the family of one COVID victim. If you or a loved one have been impacted by the outbreak contact our attorneys at Russell & Hill, PLLC. Please call us for a free consultation.

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