Russell & Hill, PLLC

Seattle Rewriting Pedestrian Rule Book

Posted on : February 9, 2019Posted By : Russell & Hill, PLLCPosted In : Pedestrian Accident

Seattle is about to start adding more crosswalks for pedestrians, despite the fact that the long-standing rule book does not say they should. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices says that a crosswalk with a traffic light should only be installed if 93 pedestrians cross a location each hour.

Many transportation engineers think that this policy helps more with a quicker flow of traffic than helps pedestrians. Now, Seattle’s lead city engineer has announced a new program. They have decided to install the crosswalks they think are necessary to keep pedestrians safe and then count how many people are using them afterward.

At Russell & Hill, PLLC, we like this approach because it puts the safety of people first. We also know that there are plenty of pedestrian accidents in and around the city and we hope this helps. When you need a Seattle pedestrian accident attorney, we are here to help.

The Reality

It should come as no shock that pedestrians are the most vulnerable group of people in and around the roadway. The human body simply cannot absorb the impact of a vehicle without sustaining some kind of injury. Not only do people have to be on the lookout for vehicles, but also bicyclists and people zooming around on scooters. For the latest reporting year in Washington, we know there were more than 2,000 pedestrians killed or injured in accidents.
Some of these accidents cause minor to mild injuries like road rash, lacerations, and broken bones. We want to point out that even those injuries can cause costly medical bills. We also often represent victims who have the following severe injuries:

This is why we are happy that Seattle is taking the steps necessary to keep pedestrians safe with more crosswalks. However, we know that there will still be times when pedestrians are struck and injured due to the negligence of someone else. In fact, many accidents already happen in areas where the pedestrian has the right-of-way, places like crosswalks and intersections.

Impaired drivers are a major cause of concern and often travel at high rates of speed through pedestrian right-of-ways. Also, a growing concern is drivers who are distracted by their phones or other devices.

Regardless of how a driver causes you harm, they need to be held accountable for their actions.

What You Can Do Now

If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident that was caused by another person’s negligence, you need to consider seeking legal assistance. At Russell & Hill, PLLC, our qualified and experienced team is ready to help you get the compensation you deserve, including:

  • Coverage of your medical bills
  • Lost income if you cannot work
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Punitive damages

When you need an attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 800-529-0842.

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