You pay your insurance premiums because you want the benefit of knowing that when something goes wrong, your insurance company has you covered. But what happens when they do not pay a claim that you know should be covered? Or what happens when your insurance company decides to ignore your claim or they put you off every time you call promising to call you back? Our Kent insurance bad faith attorneys are all too familiar with these situations and other cases of insurance companies acting against their policyholders instead of acting for them.
Insurance companies have a duty of care to their policyholders and when they wrongfully deny your claim, fail to act on your claim, or otherwise fail to provide you the coverage that you are entitled to, you may have an insurance bad faith claim. Fortunately for people who live in Kent and everywhere else in Washington, when insurance companies act in bad faith, our state laws are favorable to the insured.
There are several ways that insurance companies acting in bad faith tend to respond (or fail to respond) to claims made by their policyholders.
See below for some examples of bad faith insurance conduct that our clients have experienced.
Every case is different which means that every recovery is different. A knowledgeable bad faith insurance attorney will help you maximize your recovery under applicable Washington insurance and consumer protection laws. Depending on the facts of your case, your recovery may include the amount you were actually entitled to under your insurance claim, attorney fees, litigation costs, and an award of up to three times your actual damages. If you believe that you may be a victim of your insurance company’s bad faith, contact a Kent insurance bad faith attorney at Russell & Hill, PLLC to schedule a consultation. If your insurance company denied your valid claim or otherwise harmed you in bad faith, they deserve to be held accountable and you deserve to be compensated.