If you have recently been diagnosed with an impairment or disability or are experiencing symptoms that prevent you from working to your full potential, you have probably been Googling a lot lately. In fact, let us guess your most recent queries in the search bar: “How do I collect social security disability benefits fast?” and “What medical conditions qualify for SSI or SSDI benefits?”
Sure, we admire your aspiration to knowledge, but wouldn’t it be better and more efficient if you scheduled a free consultation with an experienced social security disability attorney in Everett or elsewhere in Washington to find out everything you need to know about the process of getting social security disability benefits? In fact, what many do not realize is that the sooner they apply for SSI or SSDI benefits (and do this properly so that their claim is not denied), the more social security disability back pay they can receive once their claim is approved.
Unfortunately, more often than not, people have to go through a lengthy and tiresome application process to receive social security disability benefits, even those whose impairment or medical condition qualifies for SSI or SSDI benefits. For this reason, there’s a program called Quick Disability Determination (QDD), which may help you get your disability benefits much sooner without having to wait for months (or, in some cases, years) to receive these benefits.
Today, our Everett Quick Disability Determination attorney at Russell & Hill, PLLC, is going to explain everything you need to know about speeding up the process of collecting social security disability benefits under the QDD program.
Whether or not your disability case qualifies for a Quick Disability Determination depends on the likelihood of getting your case approved by the SSA. In other words, if there is no doubt that you are eligible for SSI or SSDI benefits and it is only a matter of time before your case gets approved, then you may be eligible for a QDD to receive your benefits sooner.
However, in order to receive these benefits without having to wait for months or years on end, you will have to present compelling medical evidence proving your eligibility as well as the urgency of receiving SSDI or SSI benefits sooner rather than later.
More often than not, you will need help from an experienced Quick Disability Determination attorney in Everett or elsewhere in Washington to gather sufficient evidence, medical records, and documentation that will convince the SSA to approve your disability case for a QDD.
After the SSA has decided that your disability case may qualify for a QDD, you will be assigned a claims examiner to review your case in detail. And that’s where many claimants suffer a setback, because your claim will most likely be denied unless the examiner has all relevant and convincing evidence establishing your eligibility for a QDD.
Our Everett Quick Disability Determination lawyer warns that your examiner may request additional medical evaluations from an independent medical professional, and then use these medical results to make the determination. However, the examiner may deny or approve a QDD without requesting additional evaluations.
If the claims examiner has reason to believe that your case does not qualify for a QDD, your disability case will be sent back for the usual and lengthy application processing.
Let our social security disability attorneys at Russell & Hill, PLLC, help you speed up your disability case and determine whether you qualify for a QDD. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case. Call our offices at 425-212-9165 for a free case evaluation.