If we were to look at the bicycle accident statistics from Washington, Oregon, or Idaho, we will find a continual theme – bike crashes do not make up a significant percentage of the total vehicle accidents in these states. However, the accidents that do occur typically result in serious injury or fatality for the bicyclist.
Bicyclists are incredibly vulnerable to severe injuries when these crashes occur. The human body is not designed to handle the impact of a vehicle slamming into it without sustaining some sort of damage. Even cyclists who wear a helmet often sustain severe injuries. The bicycle accident lawyers at Russell & Hill, PLLC regularly help clients throughout the Pacific Northwest who have sustained the following injuries:
Additionally, we understand that bicycle accident victims are also likely to suffer from significant emotional and psychological trauma as a result of the crash. Our goal is to help clients secure full compensation for all of their visible physical traumatic injuries as well as hidden emotional and psychological injuries they may have sustained.
Unfortunately, cyclists are often disregarded by drivers on the roadway. Even though the laws in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon all maintain that cyclists should be treated as vehicles on the roadway, the reality is that vehicle drivers regularly cause bicycle crashes because they:
Bicycle accidents must be fully investigated in order to properly determine liability. If it is determined that the careless or negligent actions of another driver caused the crash, then the driver should be responsible for covering the bicyclist’s injury expenses and other losses.
If you or somebody you care about has been injured in a bicycle accident in Washington, Idaho, or Oregon, let the team at Russell & Hill, PLLC get to work on your behalf immediately. Our personal injury attorneys have extensive experience handling complex injury claims, and we want to get to work investigating your bicycle accident. Our goal is to ensure you receive full compensation for your losses so you can focus on your recovery. When you need a bicycle accident attorney anywhere throughout the Pacific Northwest, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 800-529-0842.
Accidents involving bicycles often result in devastating injuries for riders. Bicyclists have very little protection from the force of the vehicle slamming into them, and any injuries can lead to significant setbacks for victims. At Russell & Hill, PLLC, we are here to help if you need a bicycle accident attorney in Washington, Idaho, or Oregon. Our team has extensive experience helping clients handle complex injury cases throughout the Washington, and we are ready to help you secure the compensation you need.