Work is a part of daily life for most people and many job sites involve serious hazards and injuries. In Washington, the rule is that you can’t sue your employer or your co-workers for negligence in causing your injury. In that circumstance, you would be limited to a Labor and Industries or workers compensation claim only. However, many injuries are caused by other companies and employees of other companies. Penny pinching on a job site has a cost, and the cost is your health. Bringing claims for workplace injuries gives you the monetary compensation you need and makes everyone’s lives safer. Act on your rights and protect yourself and others.
Common types of workplace injuries
Car Crashes while on the job. Many people drive for work. When they do, and are injured due to someone else’s negligence, they need a work injury lawyer to get them the compensation they deserve for their injuries.
Workplace injuries are all too common. According to a report from the National Safety Council, an employee sustains a workplace injury every 7 seconds in America. More than 30 percent of all work injuries come about due to overexertion, while fall accidents make up another 25 percent. One-quarter of all workplace accidents occur because of contact with equipment such as machinery or other objects.
Workplace falls and other catastrophic injuries
Falling from a height, being crushed by a heavy object, or being dismembered by contact with heavy machinery can result in extremely severe injuries. These types of injuries are common among construction workers and factory employees.
We can help if you were hurt at work
If you sustained an on-the-job injury and you need a work injury attorney in Seattle, the experienced legal team at Russell & Hill, PLLC can assist you with filing a claim. Our work injury attorneys are experienced in helping the victims of workplace injury, and we are ready and able to help you too. Our work is conducted on a fee-contingency basis, which means you pay nothing in legal fees until we have won or settled your case. We can help you get the compensation you are entitled to under the law. Contact us today for a free consultation.