Russell & Hill, PLLC

Car Accidents Are Getting Deadlier

Posted on : November 12, 2020Posted By : Russell & Hill, PLLCPosted In : Car Accident

This is the season to visit family. More people choose to drive to reduce their contact with other people because of the coronavirus – more people driving means more people on the road. As the weather gets colder, it could mean worse driving conditions. Combine all those factors, and this season may seem like a perfect storm for tragic car accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, our Spokane car accident attorneys at Russell & Hill, PLLC, are here to give you the guidance and security you need at such a traumatic time.

Statistics Don’t Lie

Since 2015, car fatalities have been fluctuating with a steady incline. In 2015 there were 499 fatalities. In 2017 it increased to 534, but then it began to decrease in 2018. In 2019, it started to increase again to 499. Unfortunately, the Traffic Safety Commission does not read what fatalities look like for 2020, but we can look to previous years to find some patterns.

For example, most accidents seem to occur in the fall to winter months. Most fatalities occur on a Friday or a Saturday and typically happen in the afternoon during rush hour. So, what does this mean for you? It means that it is better to expect the worst because this holiday season looks different from other years. People are traveling by car to visit loved ones, which means that these patterns help navigate peak accident times, but it is not a way to absolve danger.

What We Do

Earlier this month on I-90, a driver failed to signal, and instead of cutting off the car, he hit the car resulting in a major car accident where one was killed, and the other was fatally injured. One of the cars rolled and hit the concrete barrier causing debris to fly into the eastbound lane, where the debris hit another car. All in all, this horrific accident resulted in death, injury, and hours of traffic.

When it comes to multiple people injured or property damage, it is hard to figure out who is at fault. Typically, if you are in an accident and were able to walk away, you would be taking pictures and getting information from witnesses and cops. If you were able to walk away, you would be exchanging information. Not everyone gets to walk away from an accident.

As your attorneys, we are here to

  • Deal with insurance companies
  • Assist in your personal injury claim
  • Maintain deadlines on documents needed
  • Collect evidence from scene, police, and witnesses
  • Research and prepare a list of damages

With our help, you can rest easy while we fight for appropriate compensation in court. We are here to make sure that your medical bills are paid, you receive payment for lost wages, property loss, loss of earning capacity, and more. Don’t hesitate to call. You can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 509-361-2065.

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