Settlements & Awards: At Russell & Hill, PLLC, the team at our Seattle Law Firm are tenacious advocates for our clients. When you are injured and make a claim, the insurance company will work tirelessly to pay you as little as possible. Russell & Hill, PLLC, has the foundation for success, and we know how to get you MORE money.
Personal Injury, Car Accident, Slip and Fall, and Trucking Accidents, are all examples of case areas where your injuries can have long-term effects on your health, and your ability to work. You deserve professional, personal, proven representation against the insurance companies, to ensure you get the money you deserve.
Child dog bite victim. As our client reached to pet the dog, it lurched forward and bit our client on the lower lip and chin.
Seattle man was knocked down at a bus stop by an unleashed dog, suffering a rotator cuff injury.