Studies indicate that only approximately 30% of all Social Security Disability benefits applications are approved on the first attempt. There are various reasons why these benefits may be denied, including the following:
If your claim for Social Security disability benefits has been denied, it can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience. However, it is important to understand that the denial of a claim is not the end of the road. There are several next steps that you can take to appeal the decision and potentially receive the benefits you need.
The first step after a denial is to request a reconsideration of your claim. This is the first level of appeal and allows you to submit new evidence or clarify information from your initial claim. It is essential to act quickly, as you have a limited time to request a reconsideration.
If your claim is denied again at the reconsideration level, you can request a hearing before an administrative law judge. This is the second level of appeal and allows you to present your case in person and receive a decision directly from a judge.
If the judge’s decision is not in your favor, you can request a review by the Appeals Council. This is the third level of appeal and allows you to present new evidence and request a review of the judge’s decision.
If your claim is still denied after the Appeals Council review, you can file a lawsuit in federal court. This is the final level of appeal and allows you to present your case to a judge and potentially receive a ruling in your favor.
The Social Security Disability process can be long and complicated, and it is highly recommended to seek the help of an attorney that specializes in Social Security Disability cases in the Pacific Northwest in these circumstances. They can help you navigate the appeals process, gather the necessary evidence, and present your case in the most favorable light.
Additionally, it is important to keep in mind that the Social Security Administration has specific rules and deadlines to follow during the appeals process, so you must act quickly and thoroughly to ensure that you meet all the requirements.
Federal law controls how attorneys are paid for Social Security Disability (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits claims cases. If your benefits are granted, the Social Security Administration will pay you retroactively from the date that you apply for your benefits and possibly even up to 18 months before your application date. Our attorneys will be paid 25% of this retroactive amount or a total of $7,200, whichever is less.
If you or somebody you care about is working to obtain Social Security Disability benefits or are going through the appeals process to receive these benefits, seek assistance from Russell & Hill, PLLC today. We have extensive experience helping clients throughout the Pacific Northwest recover their rightful benefits. Our team has a thorough understanding of how the Social Security Administration operates concerning the acceptance and denial of disability benefits. We will help you
If necessary, we will help you with the appeals process and even appear before an administrative law judge. We offer personalized legal assistance from the beginning of this process to the end, and you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 425-212-9165.
If you or somebody you care about is struggling to receive your Social Security Disability benefits(SSDI/SSI) or are going through the appeals process for these benefits, you need to seek out assistance from Russell & Hill, PLLC immediately. Our Washington Social Security Disability attorneys will sit down with you and discuss your concerns and determine your goals regarding the outcome of your case. We understand how to deal with the Social Security Administration, so let us get to work on your case today.