Russell & Hill, PLLC

In Washington, What Are Your Constitutional Rights As A Criminal Defendant?

Posted on June 17, 2020Posted By Russell & Hill, PLLC

If you or somebody you care about charged with a crime in Marysville, Washington, you need to know that you have rights. At Russell & Hill, PLLC, our criminal defense attorneys in Marysville have extensive experience standing up for those who have been charged with misdemeanors and felonies. Here, we want to discuss your rights as a defendant who is facing criminal charges.

Your rights as a defendant after a criminal charge

The rights of those who have been charged with crimes find their bases in the US constitution and in the constitution of the state of Washington. A brief overview of the rights of a defendant in a criminal case include the following:

  • The Right to Representation: As soon as you are arrested, you should be informed of your right to have an attorney present. If someone is charged with a crime and cannot afford an attorney, they have the right to legal assistance from a public defender.
  • The Right to a Speedy Trial: A criminal defendant has the right to a speedy public trial, though the Constitution does not specify a time limit. Judges will decide on a case-by-case basis what constitutes a speedy trial. Many jurisdictions have outlined what constitutes a speedy trial, dependent on the charges a person is facing.
  • The Right to a Public Jury Trial: Defendants also have the right to have a trial by jury and that the trial takes place in a public forum. The jury is supposed to consist of members made up of the defendant’s peers.
  • The Right to Confront Witnesses: Criminal defendants have the right to confront their accuser and any witnesses to the case. This includes giving the defendant the ability to counter any testimony presented against them.
  • The Right to a Reasonable Bail: In most cases, a person charged with a crime will have the right to a reasonable bail that they can pay in order to get out of jail while they await their case. Bail is supposed to be set at a reasonable amount, though this is largely discretionary. Some jurisdictions across the country have begun eliminating bail requirements.
  • The Right Against Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Every criminal defendant, and those who have been convicted of crimes, have the right not to be subjected to cruel or unusual punishment. Everybody who is incarcerated, whether pre-trial or post-conviction, must be afforded basic human rights.

Let our Marysville criminal defense attorneys help

If you or somebody you love has been charged with a crime, you need to seek assistance from a skilled criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Let the team at Russell & Hill, PLLC get to work on your behalf today. We will thoroughly investigate the charges against you so we can gain a solid understanding of the best path forward. Our goal will be to get the charges against you significantly reduced or dismissed altogether. When you need a criminal defense attorney in Marysville, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 800-529-0842.

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