Russell & Hill, PLLC

$7.5 Million Awarded To Slip and Fall Victim

Posted on : May 11, 2019Posted By : Russell & Hill, PLLCPosted In : Slip And Fall

Sometimes an embarrassing fall hurts more than we would like to admit. Our bodies are soft and not made for heavy impact. Falling on the floor may sound funny, but if you are the one suffering from an injury, you know it is far from funny. Our Seattle slip and fall accident attorneys at Russell & Hill, PLLC are here to help you file a claim. Many people don’t realize that slip and falls are categorized under premises liability. Almost every property owner has premises liability insurance because accidents happen and people need support for the aftermath.

Slip and Fall Causes and Injuries

Property owners have a duty to the people who visit their property. Property owners are required to maintain a reasonably clean and safe environment for people to engage in reasonable behavior. This was not the case for a man who slips and fell while in a Starbucks Cafe.

Anthony Zaccaglin, a chiropractor, walked into a Starbucks to pick up some coffee when he slipped on a freshly mopped floor. Zaccaglin fell in such a way that he hit his head hard. The store manager stated that the employee placed three cones on the freshly cleaned area to warn visitors that the area was still wet. Witnesses state they only saw one cone. The day after Zaccaglin fell, he went to the doctors for persistent head pain, nausea and other symptoms which lead the doctors to believe that he suffered a concussion later diagnosing him with mild brain trauma.

Mild brain trauma resulted in Zaccaglin needing a year’s worth of brain-injury therapy. During the years worth of therapy, Zaccaglin is unable to work or support his family. Jurors awarded Zaccaglin $7.5 million to use for medical bills, loss of income, and the loss of enjoyment of life. A Starbucks spokesman states that the company was saddened by the decision of such an amount when they worked hard to come to a settlement with the victim. Zaccaglin responded saying that the company never offered anything more than $100,000. That amount barely covers a year worth of medical expenses with someone in his condition.

What We Do

Much like Zaccaglin’s situation, our Seattle Slip and Fall Attorneys will fight for you to get the compensation that will help cover

  • Medical expenses
  • Transportation to medical appointments
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life due to damages

With us by your side, you can expect aggressive and persistent strategies, intense investigations, and access to expert witnesses. We leave no stone unturned because telling the true story means telling the whole story. When it comes to your injury and your needs, we are here to make the process as stress-less as possible for you. You need to focus on your recovery while we focus on getting you the financial stability you need to get back to a resemblance of a healthy life. Call 206-516-2045 or click here for a free case evaluation at Russell & Hill, PLLC in Seattle today.

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