Russell & Hill, PLLC

BIAWA’s 9th Annual Walk, Run & Roll in 2019: Here’s How YOU Can Support Brain Injury Survivors

Posted on : April 6, 2019Posted By : Russell & Hill, PLLCPosted In : Brain Injury

Anyone familiar with the effects of a brain injury knows that living with this type of injury can be challenging. For a brain injury survivor, many everyday activities can suddenly become overwhelming or even unachievable. Most brain injury survivors require continual emotional support from their family and friends because a brain injury can affect many aspects of their life, including work and relationships.

It’s not uncommon for brain injury survivors to feel disconnected from life because other people do not understand their daily struggles and many of their “friends” turn their backs on them because they become a “burden” when hanging out together.

That’s one of the reasons why the Brain Injury Alliance of Washington (BIAWA) was determined to organize the 9th Annual Walk Run & Roll, an event held in Seattle and dedicated to increasing public awareness, providing moral assistance and hope, as well as donating money to support brain injury survivors, their loved ones, and caregivers.

The community event will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019, and the BIAWA plans on bringing together more than 400 individuals of all abilities at Green Lake Park.

Russell & Hill helping raise funds for brain injury survivors

The lawyers at Russell & Hill, PLLC, which will be one of the event’s main sponsors for the third consecutive year, join hands with the BIAWA in its mission to help brain injury survivors improve the quality of their lives as well as increase public awareness about the effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) to prevent TBI-related accidents in the future.

Our law firm’s name partners, Jim Hill and Matt Russell, as well as other personal injury attorneys from Russell & Hill, PLLC will participate in the outdoor activities as part of the 9th Annual Walk, Run & Roll to help collect tens of thousands of dollars in donations. Last year, the event raised more than $54,000 in total donations.

The funds raised at the community event will be used to sponsor BIAWA’s mission dedicated to responding to the needs of brain injury survivors in our state. All services provided by the BIAWA are free and supported by educated and passionate staff.

This small, nonprofit organization, which was founded in 1982, serves more than 10,000 individuals a year through academic scholarship opportunities, free brain health and wellness classes, support groups, pediatric resource management, social engagement opportunities, and many other programs dedicated to helping those diagnosed with a brain injury and preventing brain and head injuries.

Everything you need to know about the event

The 9th Annual Walk, Run & Roll event will begin at 10 am on Saturday, April 27, 2019, with check-in opening at 9 am. Green Lake Community Center will be the event’s starting point and will then take participants around the Green Lake path. All attendees will be allowed to fundraise. In order to participate, the ticket will cost $25. A discounted ticket ($10) will be offered to brain injury survivors and children between the ages of 1 and 12.

Attendees with dogs will have the opportunity to purchase a cool bandana for their furry friends. These bandanas, priced at $5, will be handed out at the event. If you have a family member, friend, or loved one in the Brain Injury community, you will be offered a chance to dedicate a mile marker to them if you pay $250.

Every dollar raised through the community event will go to supporting brain injury survivors in Seattle and all across Washington. If you are interested in volunteering for the Annual Walk, Run & Roll 2019, call 206-467-4800 or visit the event’s page for more info.

Here at Russell & Hill, PLLC, several of our lawyers have had personal experiences with the effects of brain injuries and have the first-hand experience of what it’s like living with a brain injury. Contact our law firm to get legal representation for yourself or your loved one diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Call our offices at 206-516-2045 for a free case evaluation.

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