Russell & Hill, PLLC

Life Care Center Of Kirkland Under Fire For Coronavirus Outbreak

Posted on : March 11, 2020Posted By : Russell & Hill, PLLCPosted In : Nursing Home Abuse

The epicenter of the COVID-19 or “coronavirus” outbreak in the greater Seattle area is the Life Care Center in Kirkland, Washington. National news has centered on this nursing facility, which has been the source of nearly one hundred cases from the virus, causing multiple deaths.

As media scrutiny has come to the Life Care Center, questions are being asked about what happened to cause so many people to become infected. The Associated Press has reported that the Life Care Center in Kirkland has become “ground zero” for coronavirus deaths in the United States. The Life Care Center in Kirkland has been fined previously over its handling of flu outbreaks at the facility. Early investigation shows the nursing facility may not have acted diligently in protecting its already vulnerable patient population from this known contagion. Russell & Hill, PLLC has already been retained to represent one of the COVID victims that was at Life Care Center in Kirkland, WA.

At Russell & Hill, we are experienced in ensuring nursing facilities like the Life Care Center of Kirkland provide the proper care. We represent patients frequently who have been the victim of poor care in nursing facilities. If you or a loved one were a patient or guest of the Life Care Center of Kirkland and have now contracted the coronavirus, please do not hesitate to call us for a consultation.

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