Recent events have put Spokane on the front page of many news outlets following the mysterious death of toddler Azaelia Raine RedHorse Jones. The suspect in question was in a relationship with Azaelia’s mom, who claims to have not known about the alleged ongoing abuse of her daughter. This story highlights the unsuspecting nature of wrongful deaths and how they can happen in any community – even Spokane. Please reach out to a wrongful death attorney at Russell & Hill at your earliest convenience by calling 800-529-0842 if you are seeking justice following the death of a loved one.
Chilling Details Of A Child’s Final Days
Spokane County, Washington has been rattled by the shocking details that have arisen surrounding the wrongful death of 1-year-old Azaelia Raine RedHorse Jones.
The man charged with the death of Azaelia is 19-year-old Mickey Brown Jr. of Spokane, Azaelia’s mom’s most recent boyfriend. Brown had three active warrants in Kootenai County, Idaho, and another in Spokane County for theft at the time of his booking. His bond was raised to $1,000,250 after a review of the severity of his case, in addition to his failure to show up for previous court dates. He is currently held in the Spokane County Jail on charges of second-degree murder.
Brown first claimed that the toddler had a seizure while in the bathtub. He claims that he took Azaelia to his brother’s house after the incident, where he performed CPR and called 9-1-1. The story given to police officers changes for the first time when Brown claims that Azaelia was knocked over by a dog, hitting her head on the ground the day before the accident in the bathtub. Although she showed signs of traumatic brain injury, they did not line up with a fall. Brown changed his story again claiming that Azaelia had a seizure while he was changing her diaper, and then a fourth time saying he dropped her, causing the toddler to land on her head while on his way to his brother’s house.
From the beginning, both doctors and police were skeptical of the stories provided to them by Brown. They claim that the injuries on Azaelia were not consistent with an accident, much less a seizure, dropping, or dog accident. They reportedly classified her injuries as “non-accidental”, and that the “inflicted trauma [was] indicative of child abuse”. The doctors say that this level of abuse would have “exposed her to unthinkable amounts of fear and pain”. Medical professionals finalized their documents indicating that Azaelia’s injuries would most likely lead to her death. Their suspicions were eventually confirmed when Azaelia died four days later in the hospital.
Court documents arising in recent days revealed that Azaelia had been seen for serious injuries while under the care of Brown in the past, indicating a pattern of alleged abuse that had gone on for several months before her death.
Where To Turn Following A Wrongful Death
Dealing with a wrongful death can be excruciating for the family of the victim. Unfortunately, there is only so much that someone can do to prevent an event such as this one from occurring. What can be done, however, is getting a Spokane wrongful death attorney from Russell & Hill. Our competitive lawyers are ready to fight for justice following the unexpected death of a family member due to ill-intent or negligence. Call us today at 800-529-0842 or click here to reach out to a representative via text or live chat.