Many people assume that if they are disabled and cannot work that they simply fill out social security disability paperwork, file it, and wait for benefit approval, so they are surprised when they receive a letter rejecting their disability claim. Our Federal Way social security disability attorneys often have to explain to new clients that securing disability benefits is not a matter of filling out paperwork; it is really a matter of proving their disabilities to the government.
Social security claims are denied for a number of reasons and the most common denials that we see are listed below.
If your claim is denied, our social security disability experts will review your application and letter of denial to determine why your claim was denied. Often it is just a case of providing more evidence of your disability. Whether you are applying for disability for the first time or you need to appeal a denial of your application, our social security disability experts can help. We will help prepare a comprehensive summary of relevant medical information including medical records, lab results, and medical professionals’ statements and opinions. If you do not have sufficient medical evidence to prove your disability, we may seek assistance from medical experts to aid in a medical evaluation and any additional medical treatment that you may need.
If you need help with the government disability process, contact our Federal Way social security disability attorneys at Russell & Hill, PLLC to schedule a consultation. Our attorneys want to see that their clients with disabilities get the benefits that they deserve and need.